Tolki Zestaw z piórem My first colours and shapes EN
The world around us is full of different colours and shapes. Sarah and her brother Tom have decided to teach you shapes and colours with the help of everyday objects that we find around us. Do you know what colour you make when you mix red and blue? What shape is a honeycomb? What is a silhouette? You will find all the answers and much more in this book. Join Tom and Sarah; we'll go camping with them, visit their neighbour the magician, and have fun with them at the funfair!
What is Tolki?
Tolki is a unique educational concept giving children and adults alike the opportunity to learn lots of interesting and useful facts in a playful and engaging way that children will simply love! All you have to do is gently touch the picture or text with the interactive talking pen to hear the respective information, sound, or music. Playing with the interactive talking pen offers unlimited possibilities - not only can the pen read texts, sing songs, and play real sounds (a lion’s roar, birdsong, vehicle sounds etc.), but you can also use it to play various games and quizzes.
The set includes: Tolki the Electronic Talking Pen 1.0, My first colours and shapes book, 32 GB SD card, charger, USB cable, Guide to the Tolki World, headphone jack (headphones are not included).
Technical specifications: 32 GB memory, USB 2.0, high-speed connection, Li-ion battery, built-in rechargeable 365 mAh / 3.7 V, charger, 500 mA / 5V, compatible with Windows, macOS.
Tolki - To książki, które znacie, ale wyłącznie w języku angielskim. Książka działa tylko i wyłącznie w języku angielskim. Nie ma w niej polskiego tłumaczenia.
Pliki dźwiękowe do książki My first colours and shapes nie zadziałają w książce Moje pierwsze kolory i kształty.
Pióro zawarte w zestawie działa również z książkami z serii "Czytaj z Albikiem" PL po wgraniu odpowiednich plików dzwiękowych, jedynie komunikat powitalny/pożegnalny pozostanie w języku angielskim.
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